Thank you so much for visiting my shop! I hope you find something you love. I know it is not fun when you purchase something and have trouble getting to it. Please know that I understand your frustration and want to help you as quickly as possible.

If you have made a purchase and are having issues, please refer to the most Frequently Asked Questions below. If you do not find a solution to your issue, please complete the form below.

When you make a purchase on the website for Digital Downloads you will be redirected to the download page immediately after your purchase is complete. If this page takes too long to load because of internet gremlins, then you may have clicked off before you saw it. If that is the case, you can still access your downloads under your account on the site.

To access your account CLICK HERE. You can register for an account, but if you made a purchase, an account was already created.

Use your Email and Password to log in. If you do not recall the password, please use the “Lost your password?” link under the LOGIN button.

Once you log into your account, click on the DOWNLOADS button to retrieve them.

To access your account CLICK HERE. You can register for an account, but if you made a purchase, an account was already created. Use your Email and Password to log in. If you do not recall the password, please use the “Lost your password?” link under the LOGIN button. Once you log into your account, click on the DOWNLOADS button to retrieve them.

To access your account CLICK HERE

You may be locked out of your account if the systems suspects fraudulent activity or an excessive amount of login attempts.

If this happens, wait 30 minutes for the system to reset your account and then try to log in again.

There is no limit on the number of times you can download and there is no expiration date on your downloads. 

Please note that our system may identify multiple downloads from various IP addresses as a violation of terms and may lock your account. This will only happen based on certain criteria and most customers will not experience an issue. 

If you are locked out of your account, please complete the form below to submit a ticket. We generally respond within 24 hours.

No. Due to the nature of digital files, they are not refundable. Please see the terms of use here. 

There is a limited commercial use license with all digital files on the site. For more information see the terms of use here. 

If you need to purchase additional commercial licenses, please send an email to

Currently you can pay with PayPal or a credit card. 

Yes. All Canva templates require at least the free Canva account. You can get a free account at

Once you purchase a Canva template, you will be provided with a PDF that will give you a link to the template and a How To video on how to use the template.

Still having issues or do not see your question? Please submit the form below.